

Donde mi cinefilia cobra vida y me creo una crítica de tiempo completo.

Favorite films

  • Interstellar
  • Se7en
  • The Dark Knight
  • Fight Club

Recent activity

  • Deep Water


  • Moana 2


  • Gladiator II


  • Drive-Away Dolls


Recent reviews

  • Weekend at Bernie's

    Weekend at Bernie's


    Sigo amando esta película

    Larry: What kind of a host invites you to his house for the weekend and dies on you?

  • Enemy



    Anthony: Control, it's all about control. Every dictatorship has one obsession and that's it. In ancient Rome they gave the people bread and circuses. They kept population busy with entertainment but other dictatorships used other strategies to control ideas, the knowledge... how do they do that? Lower education, they limit culture, censor information, they censor any means of individual expression and is important to remember this, that this is a pattern, that repeats itself through out history.

    Love that it's open to your own interpretation.

Popular reviews

  • Inception



    4ta vez que la veo y sigo así 😍🤯

  • Before Sunset

    Before Sunset


    I guess when you are young, you believe that you will meet many people with whom you'll connect with, but later in life you realize it only happens a few times.

    The failed attempts to want to touch each other, the minimal excuses to prolong the moment, that one chance to linger there before returning to their lives...
    "Baby, you're going to miss that plane.
    I know."


    Supongo que cuando eres joven crees que conocerás a mucha gente con…