Shreshtha Dhankar

Shreshtha Dhankar

Favorite films

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Taste of Cherry
  • Persona
  • Starlet

Recent activity

  • Emily the Criminal


  • Burning


  • Oppenheimer


  • Barbie


Recent reviews

  • Mirch Masala

    Mirch Masala


    Pepper spray was invented in 1994

    Women fighting assailants before 1994:

  • The Night Of

    The Night Of


    Why isn't anyone talking about Freddy's character? I feel his character is key, if not centric to the theme of the show, which while majorly focused on the darker aspects of rehabilitation, but at the same time tried to humanize those faces behind bars.
    Freddy represents the inherent goodness in humanity. His empathy and endearment for Naz upends the notion that hardened criminals are inevitably cold and apathetic. Offering Naz protection under his wing (albeit in exchange for precarious transgressions) and gifting him the call of the wild evinces that all beings, no matter how malevolent are capable of connection.

Popular reviews

  • The Green Ray

    The Green Ray


    I see myself in Delphine

  • Begin Again

    Begin Again


    The most feel-good of all feel-good films.
