RATING: 3.5 ⭐
Basically Home Alone
Actually an excellent movie in all regards. Soundtrack is a 10/10, the acting is amazing, the special effects and story are compelling and interesting for its time. I think Candyman is a great addition to anyone's horror repertoire and I will always recommend it to burgeoning horror fans who are mainly only familiar with slasher classics like F13 and Scream.
You don't see many movies where the message is about how the people who touch our lives can go on to live in entirely different circumstances. How we can be fulfilled even without the people who we loved and have been loved by.
The rhythm of this movie evokes 1980's gay New York, with a complicated gentleness that is both never romantic and unspeakably queer.
RATING: 4.5 ⭐
-.5 because the depiction of the only black man in this movie is crazy insanely racist
Beautiful movie with an even more beautiful art style that speaks to the way information and our stories through books are preserved even when we are destroyed and about the impact of sharing information and beauty with the world. I FUCKING LOVE MANUSCRIPTS
Gorgeous visuals. Amazing soundtrack. Intriguing story that is neither happy nor sad. Literally can't ask more of a movie just wish there wasn't multiple racial caricatures