I cry man i crye 😢 he ph
At first I was like “ay what is this shit😂hella weird and cliche and cringe” but as it went on I started to get more invested and I really like Clarence I thought he was a dope character. Even though I’m pretty sure the story is not real I still really liked the story and it made me want to go get flamin hot Cheetos. I thought the ending was super strange though. The film sort of established that being…
Delkan said this movie wasn’t scary but then I got a scary attack and I had to close my eyes.
I thought it was actually a pretty cool movie and I liked the while growth and rebirth theme. I saw the shimmer as a representation of human life and how it can be a mix of beauty and destruction. Cancer seemed to be brought up a couple of times and I think they may have been hinting at the fact…
Have you seen it? Nah what is it? No like have u seen it, the movie? What movie? It!!! Dude what the fuk are you saying, what is the movie called? The movie it! You are so awesome and cool and then we should probably go to dinner like maybe go hang out and then eat some food in a nice restaurant