

Favorite films

  • 8½
  • The Hustler
  • Eyes Wide Shut
  • Silence

Recent activity

  • Downhill

  • The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog

  • Return of the Jedi


  • The Empire Strikes Back


Recent reviews

  • 8½


    The most unique film I've ever seen. A beauty that is beyond words, beyond descriptions, beyond any limits or boundaries. A beauty able to transcend cinema itself.

  • Naked



    "I've got an infinite number of fucking places to go. The problem is where you stay."

Popular reviews

  • The Battle of Austerlitz

    The Battle of Austerlitz


    The Battle of Austerlitz or how to make an excellent Napoleon film.

  • First Reformed

    First Reformed


    A stunning and brilliant character study, probably one of the best of his decade. Ethan Hawke delivers a masterful performance, the carefully restrained emotions on his voice, gestures and facial expressions, even in his resting face, speaks volumes about the character and are absolutely breathtaking to watch.

    This Scharder story is a grandiloquent one, and his directing style largely stands out for its austerity and staticism. Both approaches are in perfect alignment with the character and his convoluted dilemmas, they feel absolutely right here. I couldn't be more pleased with this film.
