
SimonMcG Patron

Sasquatch, Godzilla, King Kong, Loch Ness, goblin, ghoul, a zombie with no conscience etc

Favorite films

  • Little Shop of Horrors
  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
  • The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
  • Manhunter

Recent activity

  • Black Christmas


  • Pet Sematary


  • Silent Night, Deadly Night 5: The Toy Maker


  • The Mutilator


Recent reviews

  • Black Christmas

    Black Christmas


    I rewatch it every year, and every year it's excellent, but I would give a lot to be able to experience it for the first time again.

    If you haven't seen Black Christmas, put it on late at night, lights off, alone or with a scaredy-cat. By the time the credits roll, you'll agree with the tagline:

    If this picture doesn't make your skin crawl... it's on TOO TIGHT.

  • Pet Sematary

    Pet Sematary


    Jud Crandall drops some all-time Stephen King bars in Pet Sematary, and Fred Gwynne absolutely knocks em out of the park. 

    “Sometimes, dead is betta.” 

    “The soil of a man’s heart is stonier.”

    “Maybe with more time, she’ll learn what death really is, which is where the pain stops and the good memories begin.” 

    Gwynne is so good that he mostly makes up for Dale Midkiff’s lifeless lead performance.
    Midkiff’s vacant, tortured portrayal of Louis Creed works in the second half, after tragedy has struck, and we have seen that the soil of the man’s heart truly is stonier, but the shift isn’t clearly delineated.

Popular reviews

  • Ratatouille



    For years I’ve been a lowkey Pixar hater. Not an outspoken critic or contrarian, but I’ve certainly annoyed my fair share of Pixar stans by saying things like “Toy Story 3 is solid” or “there is no way in hell I will watch Cars.” Recently, however, I’ve decided to give some of their classic films a try, to see if I’m really missing out on something magical, or if I was justified in ignoring the hype. 

    The last time I watched…

  • The Wolf House

    The Wolf House


    Found out what this movie is based on right after watching it, and I feel completely gutted. I’m glad I didn’t know, because if I had, it would have sat on my watchlist forever. Additionally, viewing it without that context allowed for the interesting/sickening experience of retroactively dissecting how it so imaginatively evokes the foul events that inspired it. 

    Visually, the film is consistently engaging, and often times extremely unsettling. The rhythm and kinesis is captivating. Everything crawls or oozes…
