

Probably won’t use this often because I’m not huge on movies and I frankly can’t fucking stand film bros.

Favorite films

  • The Lego Batman Movie
  • Brokeback Mountain
  • The Phantom of the Opera
  • Ensemble Stars!! -Road to Show--

Recent activity

  • Interview with the Vampire


  • Christmas in the Spotlight

Recent reviews

  • Interview with the Vampire

    Interview with the Vampire


    I watched this movie because I thoroughly enjoyed the show, and I was deeply disappointed by this. It’s fucking awful. It’s abhorrently racist, it sexualizes an eleven year old girl, the acting from everyone except said eleven year old girl fucking sucks, plot and characters are so dull - this film is completely devoid of both emotion and personality. Genuinely shocking given how absolutely brilliant the show is. Waste of my time. I had to split this movie into multiple sessions. I couldn’t watch it in one sitting because Brad Pitt was so ugly it hurt my eyes. I’m angry with myself for watching this.

  • Christmas in the Spotlight

    Christmas in the Spotlight

    Hudson cant be joe alwyn hes actually in movies
