Sis Sevens

Sis Sevens

I probably take this shit way too seriously.

Favorite films

  • Taxi Driver
  • There Will Be Blood
  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  • Heat

Recent activity

  • When Evil Lurks


  • Oh, Canada


  • Michael Clayton


  • Young Frankenstein


Recent reviews

  • When Evil Lurks

    When Evil Lurks


    An excellent new breath of fresh air of modern body horror from Argentinian director Demián Ragna.

    The atmosphere is brooding and bleak as hell from the get-go and only amps up as the relatively simple yet bone chilling story continues at a great pace into more and more harrowing territory.

    Dread, death and suspense 'lurk' around every corner in this horrifyingly beautiful slice of demonic horror.

    The practical effects, especially those of the possessed pile of puss called 'Uriel', are…

  • Oh, Canada

    Oh, Canada


    Like 'Big Fish' (2003) but without all of the bullshit.
    Kind of.

    I legitimately hope that Paul Schrader lives forever and keeps pumping out movies at the same rate and of the same calibre he's been doing for the past couple of decades.

    Another great screenplay, tremendous supporting cast (Imperioli! Uma!) and a spellbinding, emotionally brutal lead performance by Richard Gere, whom seems to only get better with age, this is one for the books.

    The movie doesn't overstay it's…

Popular reviews

  • Heist



    Gene flexes some his Lex Luther energy here; professional, sharp and with his eye on the prize at all times.

    As per usual David Mamet's dialogue flows like backstreet prose and all players involved totally do it justice.

    This came out the same year as 'The Score', a similar movie featuring Brando, DeNiro and Norton, and while that film technically has a better cast it suffers from a pretty lackluster script resulting in some half assed performances.

    In 'Heist' it's…

  • Kiss of Death

    Kiss of Death


    Last time I watched this movie was 20-odd years ago on VHS, the cover of which graced Nic Cage's beautiful goatee and David Caruso's ginger pompadour in all it's glory.

    The rest of the cast of this forgotten slice of mid 90's neo noir is low key stacked as hell.

    Michael Rapaport as the leather clad hothead, Sam Jackson and Stanley Tucci as the not-to-be-fucked-with detective and DA, alcoholic Helen Hunt, Ving Rhames in full Marcellus Wallace mode, Philip Baker…
