"Everything I think I know is just Static on the Radio"
20! Somehow...
Boy, I really found this so boring. It has it's moments like the addition of comic book characters such as: Clay Quartermaine, Valentina, The Strucker Family, Dum Dum Dugan, Gabe Jones, Alex Pierce and Arnim Zola; but are really some hit or misses there. Zola is not even close to his comic book counterpart for what I remember. Although for it being a TV Movie once again, the sets remind me a lot to the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. show, which I adore. 5/10
The costumes are on point, really feel like the classic Kirby style. But the directing, dialogue/writing, acting feel like something straight out of a Mexican Telenovela. It's a TV Movie, it's common to see that on films like that but we perfectly see Marvel Studios trying to bring their iconic characters to life in that decade, obviously after Superman finishing his saga and Batman already done with it's 2nd movie.