Favorite films
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Writing: 2
Cinematography: 3
Sound design: 2
Acting: 2
Themes: 3
Story: 3
Music: 3
Pacing: 3
Set Design: 3
Effects: 3
27/30 - 4.5
0 - bad, flaws actively detract from experience
1 - serviceable, does the job but doesn’t show care
2 - enjoyable, adds value and shows care
3 - great, worth imitating in future films
Writing: 1
Cinematography: 3
Sound design: 1
Acting: 1
Themes: 1
Story: 2
Music: 2
Pacing: 3
Set Design: 2
Effects: 2
18/30 - 3.00
0 - bad, flaws actively detract from experience
1 - serviceable, does the job but doesn’t show care
2 - enjoyable, adds value and shows care
3 - great, worth imitating in future films
Writing: 2
Cinematography: 3
Sound design: 3
Acting: 2
Themes: 2
Story: 2
Music: 2
Pacing: 3
Set Design: 3
Effects: 3
0 - bad
1 - serviceable
2 - enjoyable
3 - great