Writer, streamer, video editor, YouTuber, garbage.
I love you.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Rosario Dawson gaslight, gatekeeps and girlbosses her way into tricking her abusive ex-partner with a gambling addiction into stealing a painting for her.
Hideaki Anno finds a way to make you uncomfortable in Live Action and it's great.
While I get some people not liking the tonal shift the movie takes, I think the camera work does more than enough set-up so that if you're paying attention, it's not so-out-of-nowhere. Genuinely the only reason I don't think I can rate this 5 stars is because some of the many aspect ratio changes don't come across as intentional and some of the acting from minor characters is off-putting, again in a non-intenional way.
So stupid, yet so ahead of it's time. Cyberpunk owes this movie more than it would like to admit.
Dumb, fun movie. Love it.
The world just wasn't ready for "Jesus time".
My fucking god the singing monkey movie is great.
Not usually a fan of the recent trend of biopics, or musicals, but this one's the best I've seen and other than that is genuinely an amazing, brutally honest movie. A must watch.