This movies great, really funny and actually pretty informative about the Irish language and the feelings around it.
Kneecap guys actually seemingly like professional actors was awesome. Also the music bangs.
Brits out!!🍑
I would recommend watch Yojimbo first as this is just a western version of that movie but this is a banger too. Awesome ending too, I cant wait to finish the dollars trilogy (which I found out I watched in the wrong order).
Leone/Eastwood or Kurosawa/Mifune 👀
(I still think I'm going Kurosawa and Mifune)
Did I go into this movie expecting to think it’s one of the best movies ever made? Yes. Did it still surpass my expectations? Also yes.
The score, the way Sergio Leone mixes the wide shots and close ups, Clint Eastwood with a cat, this movies sick and I love it.