

I watch movies (sometimes)
Serializd: _Sleepy_

Favorite films

  • Prisoners
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
  • Chinatown
  • Memories of Murder

Recent activity

  • Baby Reindeer


  • La La Land


  • Brokeback Mountain


  • The Notebook


Recent reviews

  • Baby Reindeer

    Baby Reindeer


    wow, just wow

  • La La Land

    La La Land


    My favorite horror movie🥰

Popular reviews

  • Prisoners



    I didn’t know what to watch so I decided to rewatch my favorite movie oat. This movie is a masterpiece, everything about it is perfect, I wouldn’t change a thing. But someone tell me how Hugh Jackman and Jake gyllenhaal didn’t even get nominated for a Oscar for their performances. Hugh’s acting is just insane and he plays the role perfectly! WHERE IS JAKE GYLLENHAALS OSCAR!? He has so many AMAZING preformances but gets ignored every single time and that…

  • Whiplash



    Whiplash. Is this movie overrated? No. Is this movie underrated? No. Is this movie a fucking masterpiece? YES! Everything about this movie is fucking perfect, and the acting is incredible. By far the best movie of 2014! 
    (Sorry interstellar fans) 
    What movie should I watch next?