It’s weird to me that there isn’t a 90’s thriller called Escrow (d. Brian de Palma)
My favorite movies
Favorite films, the ones that are both great and infinitely rewatchable at any moment, in no particular order.
Show Moms
5how Mom5
Movies that are absorbed into my bloodstream
The movies that I injected into my adolescent veins along with someone’s mom’s Kahlua. It’s their fault that I am…
In Goth We Trust
Entries from #Gothfest, my personal Gothic Romance film festival, ranked in order from I Love my Gothicc Wife to Holly…
2020 Kurt Spurt
A ranked list of the films starring my zaddy Kurt Russel that I watched in 2020.
Corona Fest 2020
Corona Quarantine has given me an appetite for movies that are not in my usual wheelhouse. Documented here for the…
2019 Movies
New releases I’ve seen this year