

Just cause we're stuck in a bubble...
doesn't mean we can't cause any trouble

Favorite films

  • Bio-Dome
  • Better Off Dead...
  • Cabin Fever
  • The Invitation

Recent activity

  • Afraid


  • Kinda Pregnant


  • Unicorn Wars


  • Patterns


Recent reviews

  • Afraid



    watching someone dick around with ai slop for an hour and a half is the price you pay to hear masterwork dialogue like this

  • Kinda Pregnant

    Kinda Pregnant


    finding out amy schumer was in a happy madison film was like hearing a portal directly to hells shit filled toilets had opened on earth. You know its bad but you have to look out of morbid curiosity and then before you know it youre in agony and eternally damned.

Popular reviews

  • Future Shock

    Future Shock


    Orson Welles fresh out of a mcdonald's drive-thru breaks into someones home to smoke cigars and explain how the future is literally shocking cause everyone will plug into wall outlets and zap themselves awake. The vibes are immaculate.

  • Joe Rogan: Burn the Boats

    Joe Rogan: Burn the Boats

    I got a laugh from joe coming out looking like a fried egg but the rest was so bad it ALMOST made me wanna get vaxxed