Day 86 of the 365 days of movies
This film was really suspenseful. He is the best and worst 911 operator
Day 86 of the 365 days of movies
This film was really suspenseful. He is the best and worst 911 operator
Day 86 of the 365 days of movies
This was like a mix of Easy Rider and Fast and Furious.
I like the free spirited nature of the film and how everyone is so nonchalant about everything. It will say in its freedom it dragged. The lows were low but the comedy was what carried the film.
Day 76 of the 365 days of movies
I think this film is kind of overrated. I think the acting is good at some parts but I think the accent she puts on is so over the top. Great cinematography though with an okay story and okay ending but to be fair I wasn’t fully paying attention