Grateful for being able to feel extreme joy and pain and everything in between.
I cannot believe the ending is up for your own interpretation. I really wish there was more of a conclusion
Fucking white people as usual. Colonizing, appropriating and being insensitive pricks, taking whatever they god damn want. And wtf, I can’t believe these actors agreed to be in this kind of movie. Pretty great all star cast though but come on, BE BETTER.
Also, the film style and script was pretty weird, but it was also maybe the only good part of the movie??
This movie could’ve been so shitty but it’s amazingly surprising that it’s not. Great characters, plot, and best of all the last fight scene isn’t dragged out, which I am a big fan of. I feel like it truly captures the absurdity and comedy of Dungeons & Dragons so well. It would make anyone want to play the game.
I’ve tried hard to put my mind in a place where I didn’t grow up learning that anyone can be who they like regardless of there organs but I still just can’t understand why people don’t understand. It’s too simple of a thing not to get.
I didn’t like this movie mostly because I’m tired of stories about repetitive queer hardship. Why don’t people make movies about someone being trans and the mom is like hell yeah and anyone who says otherwise doesn’t get to be apart of their life.
The cinematography reminded me of CMBYN which I liked a lot of course