Worth watching.
Always good to remind yourself what a disgusting cunt that fucker both is, and crucially, was allowed to be.
James corden with insightful questioning like Who had the loudest laugh? Who fancied who? We're Ross & Rachel on a break?
Hard hitting questioning right there..
No need to mention any irl issues like, I dunno, drug addiction.
We need to know, who laughs loudest.
Too much RDJ, & too damn long, felt a bit like a modern JFK at times. Which in itself isn't a bad thing, just nothing new.. On the whole it held my attention better than I expected, mostly thanks to Cilian Murphy's exceptional acting (and dreamy eyes).
Also not enough of either Jean or Kitty, they seem to have a story to tell, would be nice to know it, more so than more men in suits.
Ultimately though, I'd probably watch it again. But not before I rewatch JFK