Kevin Smokler

Kevin Smokler

Favorite films

  • House Party
  • JFK
  • Mi Vida Loca
  • 12 Angry Men

Recent activity

  • Certain Women


  • Serial Mom


  • Rope


  • Larger than Life: Reign of the Boybands


Recent reviews

  • A Stranger Among Us

    A Stranger Among Us


    Solid performances and steady direction cannot save this mess of a screenplay in which very little makes sense and the rest suffers because of it.

  • My Name Is Gulpilil

    My Name Is Gulpilil


    Sweet very sad documentary about one of Australia's most beloved performers but really, a meditation on death, knowing yours is coming, how you grieve, and how you remember.

Popular reviews

  • Supergirl



    So much great subject matter here in this story about an 12 year old Orthodox jewish girl from Paramus New Jersey who also holds the world record in power lifting in her weight class. And yet the director choses to tell the story absolutely straight, does not cut any deeper into issues of gender, growing up, relationship between parents and children. And for a sport that is as inherently visual as weight lifting, the choices of shots here are a lesson in missed opportunities.

  • Santoalla



    Bizarre documentary about an idealistic Dutch couple who move to an essentially abandoned Spanish town in the Galician mountains and end up in a deadly conflict with their neighbors. Hard to tell if the movie cuts deeper than say, a Dateline profile of This Interesting Thing That Happened but it leans in confidently to what it has and what it knows and never bores you for a second.