Brandon Beveridge

Brandon Beveridge

Favorite films

  • Fight Club
  • Se7en
  • Heat
  • Taxi Driver

Recent activity

  • Riley


  • Pain & Gain


  • Fight Club


  • Shaun of the Dead


Recent reviews

  • Riley



    Riley review-

    How does one generate the bravery necessary to come out as homosexual in a world that may not accept who you are while simultaneously not caving in to the pressures of being a superstar high school athlete? That is the struggle that the main character of Benjamin Howard’s powerhouse directorial debut “Riley” faces. There are very few directorial feature length debut films that showcase the brilliance of a young director who already feels like he’s at the height…

  • Pain & Gain

    Pain & Gain


    Best three stooges film ever made and best 1990’s movie that wasn’t made in the nineties!

Popular reviews

  • Trick 'r Treat

    Trick 'r Treat


    Finally! It’s October already which means I finally have an excuse to talk about some of my favorite horror films. What a better way to kick off my favorite month with a good cult classic like this one! Let me start right off with my favorite aspect of this film. This is one of those few films that nails the atmosphere of the Halloween season in a way that is only rivaled pretty much by John Carpenter’s Halloween. This is…

  • Glass



    Wow! Words cannot describe how disappointed i was in this film. For a film that has been in the making for 19 years it very much has the complete feel of a first draft screenplay. The only positive i have for the film is James Mcavoy's performance as Kevin Wendell Crumb. Everyone else is completely phoning it in. the cinematography is bland as shit. All three main characters are killed off in the most anti-climactic and disrespectful way possible way.…
