dylan weston

dylan weston Pro

Favorite films

  • Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai
  • The Sixth Sense
  • Blue Velvet
  • Zodiac

Recent activity

  • A Better Tomorrow


  • Dark City

  • Zodiac Deciphered

  • Zodiac


Recent reviews

  • Dark City

    Dark City

    Watched the director’s cut because why would I want to be spoiled a minute in. Anyway, pretty crazy stuff, it’s good though. Excellent production design that is let alone worth the watch, but the characters are lame. Mixture of a lot, so I do appreciate it.

  • Zodiac



    No right to be this good, some of the most tense moments ever put on screen. A filmmaking masterclass — scene after scene, constantly engaging. Days, weeks, months, and years pass in the blink of an eye — a mystery that doesn’t end, stuck in a constant loop. 
    “It was just the date that didn’t end.”

Popular reviews

  • Zodiac



    Used to not be a huge fan of this, but it's probably in my top 20 all-time now, and I'd call it the best murder mystery ever made. From a technical standpoint, it's by far Fincher's best. Some of the shot choices and editing are genius, the sound design is superb, and I want to say his best production - which says a lot. Everyone in the movie kills it, the first half has great comedic relief, thrilling moments, and…

  • The Snowman

    The Snowman


    Full of shit buildups and shit payoffs, shit editing, and shit writing. I can see where it was getting at, and I know there were a ton of issues with the creation of this, but still a mess. Worse films out there, though it still might be a 1, but I do appreciate Alfredson's attempt so 1.5 for now.
