
snoesevan Pro

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  • Donnie Darko
  • Amadeus
  • Saw
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey

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  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion

  • Donnie Darko

  • K-On! The Movie

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Popular reviews

  • Nosferatu


    Can’t lie, the ‘stache threw me off, but I warmed up to it, very draccurate

    Absolutely adored this, it’s like an excellent remake of Nosferatu, with a little extra sprinkle of bits of Dracula that were missing from the original. Also very fascinating to see just how horny they were able to make it, definitely surpasses any adaptation of Dracula that I’m aware of. Overall, I adored it, and will probably see it again.

  • Blazing Saddles

    Blazing Saddles

    I somehow have missed this one for years on end, and having finally seen it, I have been missing out so hard

    The last 15-30 minutes of this movie is some of the best action/comedy ever put to film, it is still so good, I hope Mel Brooks lives forever

    The Le Petomane Thruway gag absolutely killed me

    Also “They lose me right after the bunker scene”
