
Snook Pro

Spent my youth working in a movie theatre. Spending my adult life reliving my youth.

Favorite films

  • Die Hard
  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  • The Silence of the Lambs

Recent activity

  • Hundreds of Beavers

  • Flow


  • Wolfwalkers


  • White Christmas


Recent reviews

  • Hundreds of Beavers

    Hundreds of Beavers

    I struggled. The gags are cheap and rehashed and repetitive. I gave up an hour into it.

  • Flow



    Such an enjoyable watch. The animation is well done and the story is captivating. I was riveted from the beginning.

Popular reviews

  • Annihilation



    Such a visually stunning movie. Conceptually quite different and I was left thinking about what it all meant.

  • Solo: A Star Wars Story

    Solo: A Star Wars Story


    Entertaining and yet, I was still disappointed. The problem with this background story is that there isn't much to surprise us. We already know most of what's going to happen. Meets Chewie? Check. Meets Lando? Check. Gets the Falcon? Check. Does the Kessel Run? Check. They still managed a couple surprises. And Donald Glover as Lando? Perfect.
