Ben Peirce

Ben Peirce Pro

Former New Hampshirite, current Bostonian, social worker, drummer for Aqua Hamster and Crushdepth, aspiring film buff and horror fanboy.

Favorite films

  • The Devil and Daniel Johnston
  • Aliens
  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
  • The Ring

Recent activity

  • Re-Animator


  • Alma and the Wolf


  • Chain Reactions


  • The Surfer


Recent reviews

  • Wolf Man

    Wolf Man


    Werewolf movies are hard; if you get any combination of the transformation, prosthetics, or performance wrong your monster ends up looking more silly than scary. Is this true of most monster movies? Probably. But I feel like new werewolf movies have a particularly hard time making a name for themselves when compared to the handful of classics that already broke the mold (An American Werewolf in London, The Howling, Ginger Snaps, and the original The Wolfman are the usual favorites).…

  • The Toolbox Murders

    The Toolbox Murders


    Probably the first easy listening horror movie I’ve ever seen. 

    As a slasher, it does get right to the point with a conga line of scantily clad victims, each ready to die in a tool specific death. Unfortunately it doesn’t maintain that momentum through the second half of the movie. It gets points for a great movie title and killer concept, but it stops being about the tools pretty quickly. 

    Overall it feels half baked a with an unearned conclusion, but oh hey, there’s Cameron Mitchell, who Mystery Science Theater 3000 fans will remember from Space Mutiny, so that helps.

Popular reviews

  • Alien: Covenant

    Alien: Covenant


    The Alien series is my favorite horror franchise, warts and all. Despite this my opinion on these films isn't very inspired: the first two will always be the best, AVP is better than AVP2, and Ridley's Scott's newest entries are beautiful yet flawed riffs on the original formula. I rank Covenant in the middle, above Alien 3 and AVP2 but just (JUST) behind Prometheus. That isn't so damning if you're like me and didn't think Prometheus was Scott's greatest cinematic…

  • Aliens



    Notes from the Pre-Romulus Rewatch

    Oh I’m sorry was the perfect horror movie too slow for you? How about an action-horror hybrid of a sequel with big guns, big toys, about a 100 more monsters, and the most badass heroine to grace our screens, both in the 80’s and since. This one prioritizes spectacle over subtlety, which makes comparisons difficult, but it easily stands should to shoulder with the original as a defining entry in both the series and sci-fi genre. But then again you already knew that :)