What an incel.
(actual rating is a 3.75 but letterboxd won't let me do that)
What an incel.
(actual rating is a 3.75 but letterboxd won't let me do that)
Maybe I'll rewatch it and love it or maybe this movie just isn't for me. Didn't really enjoy it too much. I thought that Bill Murray being fucking depressed for the majority of the movie was exhausting. Cool to see how Scarlett Johansson started tho!
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
I understand what Wes Anderson is trying to do with Max. Throughout the movie, Max is constantly trying to find a balance between who he is and who he wants people to see him as. This is aided by Bill Murray's character (Herman) who also seems to be in a place of limbo. His wife is having an affair, and he hates his sons.
But in my opinion, the ways in which Max tries to achieve this sense of self-identification…