

Lost my son QUASIMODO in a mall…I am mashing the x button FURIOUSLY (the button I use to lock him much like a car)

Favorite films

  • Midsommar
  • Challengers
  • The Lighthouse
  • Poor Things

Recent activity

  • Help!


  • A Hard Day's Night


  • Nosferatu


  • Babygirl


Recent reviews

  • Help!



    They’re so high in every scene this has to be completely unwatchable if you don’t have a crush on the Beatles which I do so

  • A Hard Day's Night

    A Hard Day's Night


    Imagine you’re a 13 year old American girl named like Susan or something in 1964. The president was shot like a dog in the street last year. You have to do duck and cover drills in school. You’re starting to go through puberty and your church going mother is giving you abstinence only sex education but your older sister is secretly on the pill. You see these skinny British boys on your like 10-inch black and white family tv one night. How could you not LIVE I understand Beatlemaniacs so much like

Popular reviews

  • The Wizard of Oz

    The Wizard of Oz


    This is the first movie I have any memory of. I must have watched it for the first time when I was 2 or 3. Maybe that’s why it is the most Movie of all time to me, in the sense that if I had to show aliens 1 movie to explain human culture it would be this 

    I haven’t seen it in a couple years and idk if I’m just going through a hard time right now or what…

  • Wicked



    Ok guys sorry I just needed a second for the brain worm to nest. Also I suspect theaters have secretly fixed the color grade since last week because I swear it looked worse before
    Its still not flawless or the best possible movie that could be made from the source material but the cast and source material are great so
