

^how i construct my reviews^

Favorite films

  • Little Miss Sunshine
  • La La Land
  • Perfect Days
  • Palm Springs

Recent activity

  • nothing, except everything.


  • Heretic


  • Final Destination


  • Drinking Buddies


Recent reviews

  • nothing, except everything.

    nothing, except everything.


    it's cute ig... it says exactly what means
    but for a high school project its really really crisp idk

  • Heretic



    i properly creeped. hugh grant was so erie and built tension super well through the little expressions and twinges in voice. sophie thatchers rendition of knocking at heavens door is so good. they have great shots and transitions. the concept was super interesting will mull on more for sure

Popular reviews

  • Tuesday



    sad to say this was not it. i really wanted to like it bc of JLD but this concept was too wild/out there for me. the beats were off, the dialogue was meh, it felt long :(

  • The Substance

    The Substance


    idk what to rate it yet… i really liked it but i have never actually gotten nauseous while watching a movie. the concept is really interesting. the extent people, especially women, go to to be and stay beautiful and how the media (industry) exploits and perpetuates these standards is delivered in a mind fuck of a movie. i like how it portrayed and dives into the negatives of not meeting the expectations like isolation, self-hatred, and dependency. there are so…
