This movie is such a great level of heart warming!!
Also Robert De Niro in this film reminds me a good bit of my grandad!!
This movie is such a great level of heart warming!!
Also Robert De Niro in this film reminds me a good bit of my grandad!!
I saw the live show of this today so I’m gonna letterbox it!! Loved loved loved!! The king was A MEGA SLAY!! He was just like the one from the actual movie, like voice wise ect. Can’t say it’s better than the original tho!! Nevertheless, me, my granny and my mom very much enjoyed !!
A Movie/musical that many of my friends love and it has been on my watchlist for ages !! Finally watched it and it was really good!! I didn’t know what to expect but it was so well done so unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. An interesting story aswell!!
I can’t wait to learn the songs properly and I’d love to see this live!!
Also the kings lips were so wet and he was so spitty every time he sang which was kinda gross