Anya is the queen of all things psychological <3
Really loved the cinematography in this, also think your all shitting a bit hard on the plot tbh x
This was fun!
Anya is the queen of all things psychological <3
Really loved the cinematography in this, also think your all shitting a bit hard on the plot tbh x
This was fun!
I was weary going into this because I do think Hugh Grant is a romcom man in the same aspect as Zoe Deschanel is branded with the ‘quirky girl’. But I have been proven wrong! He did good.
I really fuck with the horror movies that dive into religion in a trippy way. Also really fuck with Lana del rey so appreciate my girl getting a mention.
Am I delusional to put this in the camp horror category? I think so, but alas - this to see a camp horror that is actually trippy and does it well <33
Really mixed feelings on this one.
A lot of people have referred to this as one of the best found footage movies they have ever seen, but I’m struggling to decide what I would rate it.
It did have a shock factor to it but that was mainly uncomfortable to watch with some of Cheryl’s scenes - which is why I would say I wouldn’t rewatch this. But I enjoyed the mock-documentary side to it and the story of them trying…
Disregarding the CGI cos mate it was 2007 and I’ve seen worse CGI looking like ps2 graphics in more recent years, I loved this movie.
I haven’t seen this since I was a kid and watched it with my dad so call me sentimental but at the same time you cant deny it did give everything you could’ve wanted from an apocalyptic scenario with no sequal necessary; although I have heard there’s potentially going to be a second one and…