Gregor Samsa

Gregor Samsa

5am movies
M: hou / s. coppola
F: bergman / denis
T, S: bfi s&s top 250
W: other

Favorite films

  • Lady Bird
  • Singin' in the Rain
  • A Brighter Summer Day
  • High and Low

Recent activity

  • On the Rocks

  • Summer with Monika

  • Goodbye South, Goodbye

  • Bastards

Recent reviews

  • Un Chien Andalou

    Un Chien Andalou


    An experiment in undermining heuristics of narrative instead, at least to my eyes, presages shit like tiktok humour or youtube baby brainrot videos - wavering between corrosively uninteresting as the sheer desperation to try and grab attention becomes overwhelming, all the way to being stupidly hilarious. Here Bunuel seems to be against visual connotation, refusing to accept either the interpretations that we build based off what we think about in daily life or the interpretations that culture and history implants…

  • The Conversation

    The Conversation


    In some way God is in every place; and this is to be everywhere.

    - St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologicae Question 8 Article 2

Popular reviews

  • Past Lives

    Past Lives


    Celine Song's masterpiece debut lives in the possible worlds extending thousands of lifetimes in past and future, and while we never see the fantasies of what could have been they exert just as real a force as anything else manifest in our reality. As devastating and honest as this movie can be sometimes, it feels like Past Lives really believes in understanding and compassion as being at the core of our existence, whether we know it or not. Above being…

  • The Rooster

    The Rooster


    Another proud entry into the "just dudes being dudes" subgenre a la Lighthouse and Face/Off. Hugo Weaving really knocks it out of the park in this one.

    This is a deeply personal work for the director so it feels bad to quarrel with the emotional aspect for his film, but I felt that many of the details of these men's lives were reverse engineered for maximum dramatic impact - as if Winter was pulling from a box of familiar culturally…