Jack S.

Jack S.

Favorite films

  • Michael Clayton
  • Chinatown
  • Unforgiven
  • Burn After Reading

Recent activity

  • We Live in Time


  • Interstellar


  • The Talented Mr. Ripley


  • To Live and Die in L.A.


Recent reviews

  • We Live in Time

    We Live in Time


    Was bored and unmoved

  • Interstellar



    Yes we all know love is what holds the universe together or whatever but no one knows how cool this could have been if they just kept going into new worlds.

Popular reviews

  • RoboCop



    Gotta assume whichever year this is supposed to be in the lions have still not won a Super Bowl and the natural progression of that many L’s led to men like Bob Morton and Dick Jones privatizing the police force.

  • BlackBerry



    Compelling but everything just kind of glossed over which i guess is necessary to move along stories like this. Glenn Howertown an extremely talented shouter. Side note I was in the top 2000 of global brick breaker scores, roughly 500 lives and +2M points nbd those phone ruled.
