

Weird fiches
My favorite movies is a random i still don't found my really top4

Favorite films

  • A Clockwork Orange
  • 8½
  • There Will Be Blood
  • The Long Goodbye

Recent activity

  • Bronson


  • Bonnie and Clyde


  • The Northman


  • The Queen's Gambit


Recent reviews

  • Dead Man's Shoes

    Dead Man's Shoes


    Soooo fucking underrated movie i don't know why but u need to watch it

  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly


    "Absolutely Cinema"

    Completely film it would take my 5⭐ but in some points of film i feel bored but it absolutely my kind of the 18th century.

    And you see in this there's two kind of people in this world my friend, people who hold gains and other who's dig.

Popular reviews

  • The Godfather

    The Godfather


    العراب كان من اوائل تجاربي السينمائية مع الوالد تجربة مليئة برجولة والاحترام الي الشخص يقدر يكتسبها من شخصيته شخصية مايكل وتحولها في الفلم كانت من اعظم التطورات في السينما ناهيك عن الباتشينو والممثل العريق براندو اتمني انسي الفلم واكرره
