Tyler D

Tyler D Pro

I'm trying to watch every horror movie.

Favorite films

  • Brain Damage
  • Phantasm
  • Xtro
  • Messiah of Evil

Recent activity

  • Vampires: Los Muertos


  • The Krays


  • PCU


  • Benny's Video


Recent reviews

  • Vampires: Los Muertos

    Vampires: Los Muertos


    I finished this sometime last year and I guess LB ate my review.

    It's pretty ok! It kind of spins its wheels the way low budget flicks are forced to but it does have some fun sequences. Bon Jovi's not bad. Maybe could've done with a more compelling villain but after the From Dusks and dipping into the Dracula 2000s I have to give credit for this falling on the better side of straight to video vampire action flicks.

    Now I get to watch the 3rd entry that looks... challenging.

  • The Krays

    The Krays


    Interesting in its British domesticity and sporadic gruesomeness. I understand it may not capture the truth but it’s a very good watch for a casual foreigner ambivalent towards true crime minutiae.

Popular reviews

  • Rapture



    Videodrome, The Ring, Tesis, Pulse, Possession, Cache: if you liked any of these you should hunt down this movie. If you like cinema you should hunt down this movie. A real treasure.

  • Door



    Skin-crawling creeper. Doesn't need much to be very effective. The way that dude ate his donut will stick with me.