

hit the pen too hard and now im here

Favorite films

  • The Piano Teacher
  • Boy Meets Girl
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion
  • Inland Empire

Recent activity

  • I Saw the TV Glow


  • MaXXXine


  • Boiling Point


  • Kinds of Kindness


Recent reviews

  • I Saw the TV Glow

    I Saw the TV Glow


    If you can’t relate, it’s derivative trash. Focus on aesthetics robs the film of any intention of sincerity. It’s insane for me to think that a 30+ person doesn’t know how CRT/VHS actually looks like and why A24 keeps allowing those fake af analog filters to pollute their film.

    If you can relate, it’s propaganda to the point of being disrespectful. A PSA in the same vein of Requiem for a Dream but much worse. I would go as far…

  • MaXXXine



    Mia Goth’s fashion film

    I find it insane that you can have a budget of 1M+ and still use those fake ass vhs filters

Popular reviews

  • Center Jenny

    Center Jenny


    To be honest I don’t know enough words to describe how awful of a “film” is this. A dumping ground of the worst ideas that the american art school circuit has to offer, which in the context of the film should be fine but it really isn’t, is derivative postmodern trash in the worst possible caliber. It’s clever tho I’ll give them that, if you purposely make a film this bad you will hear only praises. 

    This 50 something minutes…

  • Meshes of the Afternoon

    Meshes of the Afternoon


    "It reminds me of Maya Deren" is the perfect get-out-of-jail card for when a film student shows you their homework.
