More of a gamer than a movie-er.
Stars are tied to how much I personally **enjoyed** a movie, rather than its quality.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
I almost wish this film served as my introduction to Red Hood and Jason Todd; knowing general beats of his story made this one fairly predictable thanks to Arkham Knight and most stories I've read involving Red Hood.
Regardless, with its interesting and fairly unique portrayals of Ra's Al Ghul, Black Mask, and the Bruce-Jason-Joker conflict, it's an enjoyable standalone film - just needs more Alfred.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
I was disappointed; a first act set up a bunch of enjoyable characters and an interesting premise.
As soon as the murders start, though, it becomes impossible to *not* predict everything that happens next - I've seen this hailed as the climax of all the specific foreshadowing moments for each character, but it becomes eye-rollingly boring by the time you've correctly predicted the fourth death / twist in a row.
Despite that, the "twist" that the old lady kicks off…