Nosfera-two stars...
All the effects and lighting and the mood were amazing. I loved the darkness and aesthetic. But I kind of felt like that was all it had.
The set and effects and such were really well done but I feel like the pacing was super slow and there were points that went on for way longer than they needed to in my opinion. I feared I was losing interest but Jeff Goldblum's wizard was kinda the unexpected saving grace for me. He just seemed like such a chill guy and honestly would have rathered hang out with his wizard character for the three hours that I spent watching this, but it was still a fun watch in the end.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
The plot was lazy at best and silly at worst. Everything was scavenged from tired old horror tropes without adding anything new. And at the end, after all the abandoned plot lines and half-done ideas, the everything is just hand-waved as magic and "the devil". A shame considering how good the acting and production was.