

Favorite films

  • The Fire Within
  • The Woman of Everyone
  • The Man Who Sleeps
  • The Incredible Shrinking Man

Recent activity

  • Thunder

  • Caché


  • Decalogue IV

  • The Big Sleep


Recent reviews

  • Maioria Absoluta

    Maioria Absoluta


    O homem com fome não ama.

  • Memoirs of a Strangler of Blondes

    Memoirs of a Strangler of Blondes

    gostei dos enquadramentos, dos sons de animais e do estrangulamento de loiras. não gostei das pontinhas do bigode enroladas (cafona!!!).

    Achei que a forma do filme, fria e distante, reflete bem o estado de espírito do personagem. O serial killer mata por matar, mecanicamente. Nas suas memórias, portanto, os diálogos são suprimidos e as explicações não importam. Sobra o som de animais e uma trilha sonora que funciona muito bem. Inclusive lembra o estilinho do Bresson.

Popular reviews

  • As I Was Moving Ahead, Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty

    As I Was Moving Ahead, Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty


    And I sit here alone and far from you and it’s night and I’m reflecting on everything all around me and I am thinking of you. I saw it in your eyes, in your love, you too are swinging towards the depths of your own being in longer and longer circles. I saw happiness and pain in your eyes and reflections of the paradises lost and regained and lost again, that terrible loneliness and happiness.

    The local is the universal, upon that all.

  • I Travel Because I Have to, I Come Back Because I Love You

    I Travel Because I Have to, I Come Back Because I Love You


    Sinto amores e ódios por você.
    Sinto amores e ódios
    por você.
