we finally know HOW I GOT THIS SCARS
Gaga so pretty
we got to see the real joker
Harvey Dent
Puddles makes another appearance
long asf
slow pacing
every time anything happens, they sing
really no plot imo
writing felt lazy
overall MEH
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
we finally know HOW I GOT THIS SCARS
Gaga so pretty
we got to see the real joker
Harvey Dent
Puddles makes another appearance
long asf
slow pacing
every time anything happens, they sing
really no plot imo
writing felt lazy
overall MEH
Mnohem horsi nez jsem cekal, nechapu jak to nekdo hypuje ze to je accurate nebo neco podobnyho. Jediny na cem to stoji jsou DROGY 🤪🫣🤭🤙🏻 (coz nestaci) a vysokej scren time Misika a Bendiga, pricemz ten prvni je fakt uplne hroznej ze to boli.
Jedinej kdo nestoji uplne za picu je Bendig, jinak je to trapny na vsech rovinach.
Jinak nez ironicky nebo na ketaminu to asi ani nema cenu poustet.
“Jsi houzevnaty, to se mi libi” si krome Sergeie rekl asi i producent filmu, pricemz v obou pripadech za nima prisel retard s uplnym nesmyslem v ruce.
Docela me to nasralo vlastne cely
Ever since I started reading Murakami several year ago I was always curious how would his stories looked like as a movie. This was very close to what i had expected, seemed very authentic and properly done, even though i haven't read Drive My Car yet. I remember having similar feelings while both watching this and reading his other books. It was really a great experience overall.