
Favorite films

  • Kill Bill: Vol. 1
  • Spirited Away
  • Howl's Moving Castle
  • Fight Club

Recent activity

  • Fight Club


  • Spirited Away


  • Kill Bill: Vol. 1


  • La La Land


Recent reviews

  • Fight Club

    Fight Club


    my favorite movie, the best one overall. how it gives a nostalgic, dark story of a character that we didn’t even know his name, how he’s on that loop of insomnia, how he’s turning slowly into other person, the plot twist, the way it explains everything we watched the last ninety minutes n changes all the story we had been watching. it changed my life. it changed the way i see other films. wish ppl make this masterpieces nowadays. just the best film on earth. in conclusion, i think im tyler durden. xoxo

  • Spirited Away

    Spirited Away


    what a masterpiece, i watched it countless times. js another ghibli banger. love the story, the animation n the characters. trying to be subjective i cannot see nothing wrong, just a movie that deserves the oscar n all the hype it has had since it released. loved it.xoxo

  • Kill Bill: Vol. 1

    Kill Bill: Vol. 1


    my second favorite film. loved the way it’s filmed, the dramatic bloody scenes n how all the characters has their own different story n personality. tarantino ily. xoxo

  • La La Land

    La La Land


    overrated but still really good, kinda boring until the end but the way i loved how it ended ( knowing everyone hates it ) compensates how it seems to be a “mid romance musical movie”. final conclusion, good but not THAT good. xoxo