
stari_pas Pro

Отићи ћу једном.
Ма куда.

Favorite films

  • Sonatine
  • An Elephant Sitting Still
  • Fallen Angels
  • Inland Empire

Recent activity

  • Blue Velvet


  • Redline


  • New

  • Full Metal Jacket


Recent reviews


Popular reviews

  • The Perfect Circle

    The Perfect Circle


    "Nothing more can happen to me, nothing good or bad.
    Counting the dull and meaningless days that follow each other,
    like every good soldier.
    Let's accept it and say it quietly.
    Death will take everything from me:
    My flesh and my bones,
    The pencil on the table,
    My knowledge,
    My soul,
    The painting on the wall,
    The music that lights up the room,
    The tears, the fears, the air laden with pollen.
    And after that: darkness,

    Rest in Peace, Mustafa. What you've given us will forever be cherished dearly.

  • The Lighthouse

    The Lighthouse


    An emotionally draining spectacle of pure insanity.
    The Lighthouse made me sick to my stomach yet left me in pure awe of how incredible it is.
    From the very start of the journey to the end, I was both physically and mentally invested in everything The Lighthouse has to offer. The cinematography is outstanding and masterful, and the eerie, minimalist use of sound haunts the viewer throughout the 110 minute run-time, that at times feels never-ending.
    The atmosphere, scale and…