Why does everyone hate this movie so much ??
IDC I loved it
Also mother was in it sooo added bonus !
Even tho I would’ve liked more of the romantic leads together I still thoroughly enjoyed this movie and didn’t get bored once hehe
I don’t know how the reviews are so low ???
And her mum also being Simone Ashley’s mum in sex education too omg. ALSO SHE LOOKS SO YOUNG ?? Like I do not believe she’s 56
Simone Ashley is so stunning omg
And stop…
idc i fucking love this movie omg
ALSO NO ONE TOLD ME SCOTTY DOESNT KNOW WAS WRITTEN FOR THIS MOVIE WHAT I genuinely sat there and was like omg that’s so funny of those writers to purposely name them Scotty and Fiona for the gag #punny ONLY TO FIND OUT IT WAS WRITTEN FOR IT
Also I did not recognise that was Matt Damon
But hey Lana Lang wifey
I’m sorry it’s just so iconic GJWBWHE
I also need every…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
You can really tell Lin Manuel Miranda didn’t write the songs
Eh but still cute tho
OMG her baby sister gave me such cuteness aggression
Hear me out: that first guy they saw when they met the other humans not from their home
Her tat was cool
Omg honestly the best part was hearing the little kids in the cinema giggling at the jokes SO CUTE
Also I wanna snorkel in their water so bad it looks so clear and welcoming