

Favorite films

  • Blade Runner 2049
  • Dune
  • Oldboy
  • Se7en

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  • Se7en


  • Seven Samurai


  • Pulp Fiction


  • The Crow


Recent reviews

  • Se7en



    remastered luv

  • Seven Samurai

    Seven Samurai


    Is Toshiro Mifune one of the most charismatic and emotive actors we've ever encountered?

    He may be.

Popular reviews

  • Gold



    Oh Zachary, sweet old Zachary.

    I think I’ll enjoy this even more on a rewatch. Up until the credits, it still seems tough to differentiate what’s real and what his madness has created. They did a great job of portraying it all especially through the cinematography which encapsulates the barren and overly harsh lands Australia has to offer.

    Zac Efron put forward a performance I don't think many were expecting but what many are going to leave with their expectations…

  • Dune




    Once again displaying the art of cinema that it is.

    The spectacular slow burn and I love it.

    I don't think Greig Fraser is being given enough credit for his role as DOP either. This man is one of the best working today and has THE BATMAN to come next year. He encapsulated, obviously with immense help, but the pure feel of a foreign world with such strong ties to our own.

    Everybody plays their role to perfection, it's…