
steffffff Patron

Favorite films

  • The Thing
  • The Elephant Man
  • Shaun of the Dead
  • How to Train Your Dragon

Recent activity

  • Hans Zimmer & Friends: Diamond in the Desert


  • Aparajito


  • Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio


  • Wonka


Pinned reviews

  • Candyman



    R.I.P. to the legend Tony Todd

    I am the writing on the wall, the whisper in the classroom. Without these things, I am nothing. So now, I must shed innocent blood. Come with me.

    Bernard Rose's Candyman is one of my absolute favorite horror films of all time and it gave us Tondy Todd's most iconic performance that made him one of the greatest horror icons of all time. The way Todd uses his voice to give Candyman a somewhat…

Recent reviews

  • Hans Zimmer & Friends: Diamond in the Desert

    Hans Zimmer & Friends: Diamond in the Desert


    Got to see the Hans Zimmer doc on the big screen and it was decent. Basically, you get to see incredible live performances of his music which were mixed with interviews with various celebrities/directors. The interviews ranged from very interesting to extremely dull. I'm sorry, but why are Billie Eilish and Pharrel Williams even here? I don't give a shit about their interview segments.

    Over all, this was decent, but it could have been edited better to make it flow better.

  • Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio

    Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio


    Ciao Papa🥺

Popular reviews

  • Godzilla: Final Wars

    Godzilla: Final Wars


    Final Wars is pure fucking insanity and yet I personaly wished for it to be even more insane and goofy but oh well.

  • The Godfather Part II

    The Godfather Part II


    Wow, this movie was long!

    This was my first time seeing this film, and it was just.... a lot. Not saying that is a bad thing as the exact same thing happened the first time I watched part 1 and on rewatch I really loved that film. This one is a lot slower and, therefore, when we start having two timelines it just has so much to keep track of.

    This film does have some of the most peak and…