Better than when I saw the two orevious times. Even on holidays, Whisper of the Heart guilts me for being lazy. "You can be a creative too, dumbass! Just grind like Shizuku does! Stop watching YouTube loser!"
🥲 Thanks I will try.
Better than when I saw the two orevious times. Even on holidays, Whisper of the Heart guilts me for being lazy. "You can be a creative too, dumbass! Just grind like Shizuku does! Stop watching YouTube loser!"
🥲 Thanks I will try.
This movie is another one of those "good as a film but not for me" movies. I swear, even though I appreciated the film techniques and various scenes on their own that I think are great, the movie ultimately just bores me. I get it, but it still bores me. To me, Travis going from lonely to becoming a one-man army for the purpose of feeling strong and taking on what he sees as a "dirty" city was just really…
I find it all too appropriate that a sappy, Christian film is one that casually sexualizes little girls.
When Simon Birch screamed "BOOBIEZZZ" as he leapt from the manger to grab a 12 year-old's chest, I wanted to kill myself.