

Favorite films

  • Inception
  • Fight Club
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

Recent activity

  • Parasite


  • Manchester by the Sea


  • Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles


  • The Hunger Games


Recent reviews

  • Parasite



    I have multiple Bong Joon Ho movies in my watchlist but this was the first one I watched and I was pleased by his work so I'm excited to watch more.

    This movie have important themes written and portrayed very well, and lots of paralles which I was mesmerized by. If you watch this movie closely you can see a lot of small details which made this movie so much better.

    The story was well written, the twists were very…

  • Manchester by the Sea

    Manchester by the Sea


    This movie is the definition of "it can be worse"

    It was directed exceptionally I like the sea scenes and a lot of the landscapes, the city scenes were amazing as well

    The writing in this movie is nearly perfect, maybe I expected more from the ending but I don't mind, I didn't get bored once, even tough it almost have no action, it's ridiculously good written.

    Casey Affleck, stunning, perfect for this, played perfect, absolutely nothing to add to his performance, he simply gave life to this movie.

Popular reviews

  • Se7en



    My dad saw me watching this, and said, "Oh you're watching Se7en, it's brutal", and i said "Yes, it may be, but I heard it is good"..we both were right.
    The dialouge in this movie is majestic, a lot of books references and I've loved that, it's not that much action, maybe a scene or two, the suspnse is amazing, the atmosphere as well, and the ending, oh boy, the ending..
    My only problem with this is that it lacks…

  • Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles

    Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles


    This was the first slow-cinema movie I've seen. I think I saw some atmospheric movies or something slower but nothing as slow and realistic as this.

    I'm not the biggest fan of this type of cinematography but I absolutely don't hate it, it's nice to see sometimes. It's simplist but yet I feel it's very hard to make, so well directed by Chantal Akerman, great job.

    The movie follows the life of a woman, but in a time where still…
