A meta story that combines another 10 “elevated” horror films? It sounded intriguing on paper but it wasn’t that interesting in the end and fairly predictable.
Kudos to Matilda Lutz tho, she went through it in this movie as well.
A meta story that combines another 10 “elevated” horror films? It sounded intriguing on paper but it wasn’t that interesting in the end and fairly predictable.
Kudos to Matilda Lutz tho, she went through it in this movie as well.
Great production values and acting but ultimately, the tonal shift towards the end soured my experience a little bit. Did this need to be 3 hours? Probably not. But even with all of that time, there were some questions lingering in my head about the story when the credits rolled.
I tried to like this, however, too many wrong details of the time period kept taking me out of the film.
I know they were going for a fable-like look for this but honestly, it just looked very cheaply made with those carboard looking sets and the (very few) paper-thin characters were hard to connect to.
Not all was bad however, there were some cool visuals, fashion and the ending was quite emotive but this had no business lasting 2 and a half hours.