my own dogtooth was removed years ago and never grew back
both disturbs and unsettles without solely relying on violent scenes.
I like that in a film.
probably not the one for sensitive cat enthusiasts…
Satisfies the desire to be shaken up. Wonderful cinematography and wholly accurate portrayals of schizophrenia by those playing the parts. I reckon it works the way it’s supposed to.
The lack of realism in some scenes might be considered a directorial choice to utilise the freedoms of artistic license…?
Probably should have entered with less expectations over the plot.
Though successfully eerie, it was a tedious watch…
Both the incongruous scene sequencing and absence of contextual detail - in my mind - discredited the golden nuggets of acting involved.
It was good. Don’t listen to me, who am I to speak?
every scene infused with biblical iconography
slaughter and grief and beauty
I am enamoured