Todor K.

Todor K.

i am insane and on drugs

Favorite films

  • Lost Highway
  • Willard
  • Bad Boy Bubby
  • High Plains Drifter

Recent activity

  • 13 Going on 30


  • That's It for Today

  • Happiness


  • Willard


Recent reviews

  • 13 Going on 30

    13 Going on 30


    this was more uncomfortable to watch than a serbian film

  • That's It for Today

    That's It for Today

    Da li je ovo ozbiljno na šta je domaći film spao. Da se ovo ljubi i hvali. Ovo je bez zajebancije verovatno najgora gluma koju sam video u filmu u životu, svi likovi su toliko šuplji i antipatični, i ne znam da li treba da bude smešno ali generalno za trajanje filma nisam čuo nikoga u sali da se smeje(što me ne čudi, svaka "šala" je samo to da se neki lik dere, peva nešto glasno ili pravi neke zvukove).…

Popular reviews

  • Willard



    God i love this movie so fucking much I can't get enough of it. Rewatched it after making my local cinema play it by begging them for two weeks, came dressed as Willard and sat alone in the first row. They got mad at me after the movie was over because they thought it was shit but I couldn't care less. Best experience of my life.

  • A Serbian Film

    A Serbian Film


    I've met both the actors of Vukmir and Miloš on multiple occasions and they're both pretty proud of the movie, and really, I can't blame them. This film is supposed to be a provocative piece to shock and disgust the stale and sterile serbian film industry, and I think it's taken too seriously by the public. Im serbian, and trust me, they absoulutely deserved it. The film industry here is so disgustingly dumb and repetative that some of our best…
