

"But black sin hath betray'd to endless night
My world's both parts, and, O, both parts must die."

Favorite films

  • Blade Runner
  • Possession
  • Woman in the Dunes
  • Decalogue I

Recent activity

  • Decision to Leave


  • Cassandra


  • The Girl with the Needle


  • The Substance


Recent reviews

  • Asako I & II

    Asako I & II


    kalbinin sesini bu kadar şuursuzca dinlemek takriben 25 yaşından sonra suç sayılıp cezalandırılmalı diye düşünüyorum. filmin ilk yarım saatinde karakterlerdeki iletişim özürlülüğü yüzünden saçımı falan yolarak izledim, üç kelimeyi bir araya getirip konuşamayan insanları izlerken tansiyonum çıkıyor. sonrasında karakterler de iletişimleri de çok hoştu bence, asako'nun mıymıylığı hariç... sonu olması gereken (veya zaten olacağını beklediğimiz) yere bağlandı içim rahat bitirdim filmi bir şekilde ama filmin son yarım saati elim ayağım titredi dfjknbdfjkd eğer arkadaşım olsaydı she would be yelled at so hard kalkıp ne o salak adamın peşine takılmaya cesareti olurdu ne de sonra kuyruğunu kıstırıp dönmeye. biraz ŞUUR ya...

  • HyperNormalisation



    "I feel like the world is ending" has been a very common phrase I am hearing lately, both online and in real life, and I have been constantly finding myself answering the phrase with "yeah, but is this how the end of the world was gonna look like?". The question rises from the confusion of being able to (or being priviliged enough to) continue your daily life *normally* while far-right parties get first places in elections, while Trump gets elected…

Popular reviews

  • I Care a Lot

    I Care a Lot


    so clearly written by a man who has read a few girl power quotes on twitter. at least the movie was somewhat entertaining so it gets 2 stars from me but those terrible "JUST BECAUSE I HAVE A VAGINA!" takes he put in the script only to add a pinch of feminism annoyed me way too much.

  • Ju-on: The Grudge

    Ju-on: The Grudge


    not exactly the scariest horror film, and if you're looking for some high quality cinema experience this is so not the place for you. i think the grudge, considering the low budget it had, delivers the story it wants to tell quite successfully.
    AND if the film "didn't do it for you", try imagining that you're 9 and its 2 am and you're lying next to your grandma -whos fast asleep- and you're watching this on tv with terrible dubs. you're welcome
