Sun Theatre

Sun Theatre HQ

Originally opening its doors in 1938, the Sun Theatre is a historic Art Deco cinema renowned for its cosy atmosphere, community vibe, and, of course, the best homemade…


Recent reviews




Film review by Sun Staff - Cameron Palin

Luca Guadagnino’s Challengers is a fun and thrilling tennis love triangle movie from one of the best directors working today. Where Guadagnino’s previous films have been swooning and achingly romantic (think Call Me By Your Name or Bones And All), this is a far more spry and playful affair, with three very attractive leads competing for each other both on and off the tennis court. Zendaya is brilliant as the fiercely competitive…

This ANZAC DAY we have a special screening of Gallipoli in honour of our Diggers.
APRIL 25, 1pm

Alien is back on our big screen celebrating it's 45th Anniversary with a brand new 4K remaster of The “Original Theatrical Cut”
Sat 27th Apr: 8:30pm

Liked reviews

I’m so biased but this ROCKS most fun I’ve had at the movies all year. Leagues better than Emilia Perez and Wicked (Gracey should have done both tbh). Rock DJ best dance scene since America in WEST SIDE STORY (2021).

Reading Tarantino’s Dirty Harry essay in Cinema Speculation reminded me how much I love Don Siegel, and how long it’s been since I watched one of his movies. This was his directorial debut, and while it may be relatively restrained by the standards of his later thrillers, it’s a potboiler that practically bubbles over with ambiance and dark humor. The solution to the murder mystery at its center is pretty obvious, but it’s also fitting, and lends the final scenes a kind of cyclical, bloody poetry.

Oooh this is my sh🤩. Loved every second of this dialogue driven thriller that’s almost like an iteration of Saw, but for religious ideologists. Such a twisted and clever almost philosophical exploration of faith and belief, as well as the role of religion as a means of control. Hugh Grant is excellent but I loved both Sophie Thatcher and Chloe East. Religious horror bias, but this also has one of my other favorite horror tropes. 🤫 Some creative camera work in a…

A Good movie, is when you talk about it after for a day 

A Great movie is when you talk about it for a week 

A movie that will never leave you …. We’ll you get the idea . 

Paris , Texas will never leave 

If you’re not speechless or at least alittle bit emotional
After this gift , you truely are a human without a soul. 

Rip to the GOAT H.D.S and  the rest of the cast and crew were just as phenomenal